
Cashew contains high amount of iron which is essential for erythrocyte functioning and enzyme activities. That is particularly critical for pregnant women who need augmented iron mineral.
Vitamin D found in cashew helps bone development as well as preventing bone diseases, strengthening immune system, in addition.
It contains several minerals and vitamins which are essential for proper function of metabolism such as magnesium; phosphorus; zinc; selenium beneficial for respectively, to give energy and enables bone development; strengthening bone and teeth; improves health of digestion system; and protect against heart attack risk.
It contains selenium which is referred to as a mineral that prevents diabetics, and known as an antioxidant. Selenium protects against various metal intoxication and increases body strength against cancer.
Likewise other nuts and dried fruit, cashew also contains good blood cholesterol as well as being a significant source of protein.

Energy: 581 
Protein : 19 
Carbohydrate: 20 
Fat: 46 
Cholesterol: 0