Roasted Corn
Roasted Corn is a fiber rich nutrition. Just one glass of corn meets 23% of daily fiber need. This fiber rich group also reduces total bad blood cholesterol by 7%, as well as being effective in reducing triglyceride and VLDL (the most harmful form of cholesterol) respectively by 10,2% and 12,5%. Studies showed that corn reduces high cholesterol levels, and risk of colon cancer. In addition to its effects in digestion system and cardiovascular system, fiber of corn helps stabilizing levels of blood sugar. As it preserves the level of blood sugar while providing a slow and sustained energy, consuming corn poses no risks to diabetic patients. Regular use of corn both helps reducing and balancing blood sugar and insulin. Calorie (Kcal):612 Protein (Kcal): 17.3 Fat (Kcal) : 42.8 CH (mg) :29.2 Ca (mg) : 87.8 Vit B1 (mg): 0.18 Vit B2 (mg): 0,09